Meet The People Behind The Cause
The Staff
Christine Robinson
Executive Director
I have been involved with Jason’s Friends for nearly 20 years wearing different hats including volunteer, Bowl for Jason’s Friends chairman and a Board Member. I have a true passion for this foundation and helping Wyoming families dealing with childhood cancer. As a parent of a 3-month premature baby who was sent out of state, I understand the challenges that families face with being away from home and the financial stress that comes with having a sick child.
Ali Pousha
Family Support Coordinator
I have been a part of Jason’s Friends since November 2021. I have a passion for helping others, especially children. As a mom myself, my heart breaks for families dealing with childhood cancer. My hope is that my efforts will enable this organization to grow and make an even bigger impact in the lives of these Wyoming families.
Board Members
Lisa Eades
I am part of Jason’s Friends Foundation because of our son Jason. Jason passed away back in 1995 at age 9, from a brain stem tumor. We experienced firsthand what Wyoming families go through following a pediatric cancer or brain tumor diagnosis. With the help of friends and family, we co-founded Jason’s Friends Foundation. We took the worst tragedy imaginable and worked hard to turn it into something positive that has impacted so many Wyoming people—in memory of our sweet Jason.
Rocky Eades
Vice President
We didn’t choose to be a part of Jason’s Friends Foundation. It chose us. After losing Jason to cancer and being away from home for months fighting to save his life, we wanted to take the gifts and inspiration that a 9-year-old boy had given us and use them to help others. His courage gave us courage to fight for other families, help them and let them know that we, and their Wyoming community, have their backs.
Tisa Bilek
From its meager beginnings, I have been blessed to witness the generosity of this town/state to give of their time and money to support this most important cause. To be a part of this organization is an honor and has been life-changing.
I have witnessed first hand the depth and strength of the human spirit as these families/children bravely push forward fighting a battle they had no choice in. Jason’s Friends stands by their side every step of the way.
Jason taught us so many lessons in his short life and those lessons became the catalyst to move us through 24 years of assisting others. I could not be more proud of all that continues to be accomplished in his name.
Karl Killmer
I chose/choose to be involved with Jason’s Friends because:
- My relationship with Rocky and Lisa
- The “drive and give” the entire Organization has to help kids with cancer
- The desire to Partner with other people/other organizations to accomplish the goals
Brooke Eades
As my older brother, Jason taught me the importance of compassion, fighting with courage and helping others whenever you can. These lessons and his legacy live on every single day through the work of Jason’s Friends Foundation. I am honored to be part of it and witness the lives that Jason continues to touch.
I believe in this organization’s mission wholeheartedly and know that without it, these families would not receive the help they need. Time and time again, we hear stories of families who would have lost their homes, cars and security if it were not for Jason’s Friends Foundation. Every donated dollar has an impact, the volunteers, board, and staff are passionate and dedicated, and the assistance provided to Wyoming families is irreplaceable. Jason’s Friends is a godsend.
Risa Petrie
I chose to be a part of JFF:
- Our family’s relationship with Rocky and Lisa
- The incredible work JFF does with families to advocate for their needs and assure that moms and dads can be with their children during their battle with cancer, and not have to worry about their financial security to do so.
- I desired to lend the expertise I had to help solidify the development efforts of the non-profit.
Phil Schmidt
“From the ashes rises the Phoenix”. After being dealt a blow by the loss of Jason, Lisa and Rocky have channeled their energies into helping others when faced with childhood cancer or brain and spinal tumors. Being involved with an organization that brings comfort to so many is a rare opportunity. I’m lucky to be involved with JFF and hope that others will have a similar opportunity in their lifetime.
Karel Loraas
As a former Jason’s Friends family, I want to give back to the organization that helped make a very stressful time in our life so much better. Having been through having a child with cancer it’s so important to me to help others going through the same ordeal. Jason’s Friends is so very important to those families.