Once in a While a Friend Meets You Exactly Where You Are

Your Partner in the Fight Against Cancer

Jason’s Friends exists to assist Wyoming families whose children suffer from cancer, brain tumors or spinal cord tumors by providing financial assistance, advocacy and encouragement. Jason’s Friends Foundation provides organized community support that is otherwise unavailable in Wyoming. Along with advocacy and emotional support, we ensure that Wyoming families will not lose everything they own simply because they’ve had the misfortune of having a child with cancer. We provide financial assistance for any Wyoming family regardless of income, allowing them to focus on one of the most emotional and critical challenges in life, having a child with cancer. At Jason’s Friends, 90% of all dollars received by Jason’s Friends Foundation goes directly to the financial support of Wyoming families enrolled in our program.

Know a Family in Need?

Hope is difficult to sustain and assistance is hard to accept for many when going through a time like this.

Often times it is the extended family or close friends who make the first call to us for support.

Services can remain confidential. If you are a family member or close friend wanting to reach out on a loved one’s behalf, please don’t hesitate. We are here to help all Wyoming families in this situation. Make the call, we will do the rest.

Learn about our annual fundraising event.

Discover Wyoming’s only childhood cancer camp.

Follow the easy process to enroll in our program.

Find out how you can help Wyoming children with cancer.

Impact = Legacy


Wyoming Families Enrolled

$7.7 Million+

In Financial Assistance Given

28 Years+

Serving Wyoming Families

When You Need a Friend...
You Can Count on Us

Jason’s Friends is committed to the families we serve and we are on this journey along with you for the long haul. We are a support system to your family during this time. But don’t just take our word for it, hear it from our families.

Brayden’s Family - Laramie

"Because of Jason there is Jason’s Friends and because of Jason’s Friends, we have been able to spend every minute next to our son’s side in and out of the hospital. Being split apart due to finances is unbearable. Families should be able to stick together throughout such a traumatic experience. Thank you for making these moments as a family unit possible, we truly feel the love!"

Nathan’s Family - Kaycee

"As a family we cannot say enough good things about Jason’s Friends Foundation! They were aiding our family with expenses and needs within hours of our son’s diagnosis and admittance to the hospital. They have continued to be there for our family every step of the way and have been a tremendous blessing. It is hard to comprehend what we would have done without the aid and faithfulness of this wonderful organization."

Emery’s Family - Cheyenne

"I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart, the help that you have extended to Emery’s family is nothing short of amazing and frankly a miracle. Without your assistance, I am not sure his family could have made the transition into focusing completely on the smaller things and Emery’s care."

Ella’s Family - Jackson

"We spent many nights away from home when Ella was in the hospital & when she was not in the hospital, we were commuting 4.5 hours each way for treatment while also trying to keep our small business running at home - our only source of income. We were blessed with an amazing group who helped us through it all, our friends & family, the staff at Primary Children’s Hospital and Jason’s Friends Foundation. We are so thankful to every member of our support team that got us through these hard years, we couldn’t imagine trying to make it through without you."

Lexie’s Family - Casper

"When my daughter was first diagnosed with cancer Jason’s Friends helped us get to Philadelphia for a second opinion with a top pediatric thyroid cancer specialist. At that appointment, they told us she had a different type of thyroid cancer (a variant) than originally diagnosed with. They also found a second tumor months before we would have had we not been able to go. They helped us with lodging, gas, and food for us to travel to all our appointments and will help us with this until Lexie is 21."

Emma’s Family - Casper

"Jason's Friends has been such a huge part of our family for the last 16 years! THANK YOU for all the love and support you have given us through the years."